Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Poetry Nothing Is beautiful As Spring

â€Å"Nothing is beautiful as Spring†. This Italian sonnet was written to describe a natural world. God's presence is identified as an electrical current that runs through the earth. God's presence runs like the refracted glinting of light produced by metal foil, whenever it is moved quickly. The sonnet quotes God to be like rich oil. Oil is very rich and thick. Oil is needed every where around the world. If you don't believe it, drive your car month after month without getting an oil change or even oil in general.With God being identified as oil, he is measured as greatness. Given these strong proofs of Gods divine presence the poet that wrote this particular sonnet how and why do humans fail to recognize his presence and his divine authority. God's authority is described as the â€Å"rod†. This sonnet also deals with the state of human life. It also deals with human nature. God crated all things in earth and above heaven. This sonnet talks and deals with human life. W hy don't people recognize the things that God has placed in the world? He gave us these things to use for our needsPermeating the world is a deep â€Å"freshness† that testifies to the continual renewing power of God's creation. The power of renewing is seen during the morning always waits on the other side of the darkness of the night. This final image is one of God guarding the impending of the world and containing within Him the power and assurance of rebirth. Gerard Manley Hopkins is one of the most phenomenal 19th-century poets of religion, of nature, and of inner anguish. His view of nature and the world is like a book written by God himeslf.In this poem God expresses himself completely, and it is y â€Å"reading† the world that humans can approach God and learn about Him. Hopkins therefore sees the environmental crisis of the Victorian period as vitally linked to that era's spiritual crisis, and many of his poems have become man's indifference to the destruction of sacred natural and religious order. This poet harbored an acute interest in the scientific and technological advances of his day; he saw new discoveries as further evidence of God's deliberate hand, rather than as refutations of God's existence.Hopkins wrote mostly in the sonnet form. He preferred the Italian r Petrarchan sonnet, which contains of an octave followed by a sestet, with a turn in argument or change in tone occurring in the second part. Hopkins normally uses the octave to present some account of personal or sensory experience and then employs the sestet for philosophical reflection. While Hopkins enjoyed the structure the sonnet form imposes, with its fixed length and rhyme scheme, he nevertheless he constantly stretched and tested its limitations. One of Hopkins major innovations was a new metrical form, called sprung rhythm.In sprung rhythm, the poet counts the umber of accented syllables in the line, and places no limit on the total number of syllables. As oppose d to syllabic meters (such as the iambic), which count both stresses and syllables, this form allows for greater freedom in the position and proportion of stresses. English verses have traditionally alternated, stressed and unstressed syllables with occasional variation, Hopkins was free to place multiple stressed syllables one atter another or to run a large number ot unstressed syllables together (as in â€Å"Finger of a tender of, O of a feathery delicacy' from Wreck of theDeutschland). This gives Hopkins great control over the speed of his lines and their dramatic effects. Another unusual poetic resource Hopkins favored is â€Å"consonant chiming,† a technique he learned from Welsh poetry. The technique involves detailed use of alliteration and internal rhyme; in Hopkins's eyes this creates an unusual thickness and resonance. The close linking of words through sound and rhythm complements Hopkins's themes of finding a guide and design everywhere.Hopkins's form is also ch aracterized by a stretching of the convention of grammar and sentence structure, o that newcomers to his poetry must often strain to parse his sentences. Deciding which word in a given sentence is the verb, for example, can often involve significant interpretive work. In addition, Hopkins often invents words, and draws his vocabulary freely from a number of different registers of diction. This leads to a surprising mix of neologisms and archaisms throughout his lines. Yet for all his innovation and disregard of convention, Hopkins' goal was always to bring poetry closer to the character of natural, living speech.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Law of Attraction Essay

The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that â€Å"like attracts like† and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. For example, if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then according to the law of attraction would confirm those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead accept a check might under the same law would find a check instead of a bill. Although, there are some cases where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results, there is no scientific basis to the law of attraction. I do believe in the law of attraction to some extent and in this paper I will explain thoroughly the steps in the law of attraction and give examples why it works if you truly believe in it. Before I can give examples and explain why the law of attraction is an accurate way of thinking, I have to first explain how it works and the steps you have to take. First, you have to believe in the concept of subjective reality. Subjective reality is a belief system in which there is only one consciousness and everything and everyone in your reality is a projection of your thoughts. The correct viewpoint is that you the single consciousness in which this entire reality takes over. An example of subjective reality is if someone asks you what happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available? Since you are the only intender, this is entirely an internal conflict. You are holding the thought, the intention for both people to want the same position, but you are also thinking that only one can get it. You believe in competition so that is what you manifest. You may have a higher order belief that life is random, unfair, uncertain, etc†¦, so in that case you may manifest a surprise because that is what you are intending. Being the intender in your reality places a huge responsibility on your shoulders. You can give up control of your reality by thinking randomness and uncertainty, but you can never give up responsibility. Since you are the ole creator in this universe, if you think about war, poverty, and disease that is exactly what you will manifest. Your reality is exactly what you think it is, so whenever you think about anything you summon its manifestation. So by thinking that there are two people competing for one position, you focus too much attention on the other person, and not enough attention on yourself who in fact holds the key to success. By focusing inward and just on yourself, you pay more attention on the job itself and not the competition making the job come to you and the promotion. The vital step in the law of attraction is letting go. It is one of the most important stages in the manifestation process. If you cannot let go of the attachment to the desire itself, you will not ever be able to see it manifest for you. An example would be a lot of people want to manifest more money but because they really need to manifest the money they find it difficult letting the desire go and releasing it to the universe. One of the steps is you create in two different stages. The first stage of creation happens when you form the desire. As you see an unpaid bill, you immediately form the desire of wanting more money. It is automatic and it happens without you ever realizing that you are asking for more money. However, if you stay in this mode and never move forward, you are always going to be wanting. Wanting can never attract you what you want. The second part of the creation process is when you get into alignment with your desires. Getting into alignment is what will bring the manifestation into the physical world. Holding onto the desire and staying in the desire forming stage will not. If you want to manifest anything into the physical world, you have got to move out of the desire forming stage and into the alignment stage. There are two ways in which you can become aligned with your desires, they are believing and feeling good. When you have massive expectation and actually begin to believe that you have what you are asking for, in that moment you will become perfectly aligned with what it is you want and so the law of attraction matches like with like and ultimately yields you the stuff. Affirmations and vision boards are examples processes that are used to yourself believing your desire is already here. The second way of alignment stage is feeling good. This step is the easiest because all you have to do is feel good and you will manifest the stuff you want. The law of attraction does not hear or see your thoughts; it responds to your vibration which is primarily affected by your feelings. If you practice these ways of first letting go and then the ways of the alignment stage, it is a sure thing that it will work. Personally, when we watched the documentary in class two weeks ago I had never heard of the law of attraction or how it worked. After watching the movie I was skeptical about if it truly worked or not so I decided to do an experiment of my own and see what would happen when I followed all the rules to the law. I had this huge midterm for my social work class last week and I needed to get a very good grade on it. Usually I will study as much as I can but I am always negative and think the worst when I am waiting to see what grade I get, never positive. So I decided to think positively after I studied and took the midterm. This consisted of me getting rid of all my bad thoughts and just focusing fully on the midterm and grade. I never thought about the day I was going to get it back but just the grade I was going to receive. I thought these thoughts for four days straight and believing that the I did all I could do but now I have to leave it in the universe’s hands and let it take over. All I could do is think fully on it and know that if I did it would work out in my best interest. Four days past and I got the exam back and received a 90 percent on it and I wanted an A, nothing lower than that. This is why I know the law of attraction works and I would recommend anybody to start focusing your thoughts on the positive. The Law of Attraction is a complex system that takes practice and understanding to fully receive the benefits of what you want. From all the steps in the process to the examples I think the law of attraction really works and even if someone does not believe it to the full extent I think just the way of thinking like it is beneficial to everyone. Form positive habits and repeat processes that feel good every single day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Measuring And Managing Absenteeism In The Workplace

Productivity loss due to absenteeism is a serious growing challenge. We live in an absenteeism culture. Talking a day off and calling in sick is supported and encouraged by the society. Many people’s attitude is† The time is coming to us† (Robert F.Allen and Michael Higgens- the Absenteeism Culture. Becoming attendance oriented.) Unscheduled absenteeism is on the rise and the rates of absenteeism are at their highest since 1999. The major concern is that almost two out of three employees who do not show up aren’t physically ill or have challenging issues.Absence measurement and management is an increasingly growing body of knowledge and experience that managers apply to control and reduce absenteeism and its accruing costs. To ensure that the issue of absenteeism is effectively addressed, managers and supervisors-armed with the required guidance and training, need to understand the circumstances and factors surrounding absenteeism in the workplace, and thus actively participate in the company’s procedures and policies to effective curb absenteeism in the workplace.Employers attempt to cut down excessive employee absenteeism through tighter controls. They demand doctor’s report or use some other punitive mechanisms that targets symptoms of absenteeism rather than its causes. The problem will not go away unless the underlying root causes are removed. Building an attendance culture!How should absenteeism effectively be managed? Triggers or incentives? / Carrots or sticks?Introduction:Absenteeism from workplace has been on the increase and may be an indicative of poor morale, lack of motivation, sick building syndrome, poor organizational polities or mere indiscipline from the employees. However, many employers have introduced and implemented absence policies which make no distinction between absence for genuine reasons or illness and absence for inappropriate reasons.One of these policies is the calculation of the Bradford F actor, which only factors total number and frequency of individual absence into account, neglecting the kind of absence. 40 million days are lost each year in the UK, due to workplace absenteeism, 93% of employees say cold and flu are the reason for being away from work, but research has shown  that in reality, half of absenteeism in the workplace has nothing whatsoever to do with health. Workers decide to stay away from work for a host of other reasons relating to work and personal issues, which range from job de-motivation, low pay, lack of work life balance and occasional hangover.Absenteeism has been viewed traditionally as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and employer, as a management problem and has been framed in economic terms. This report will critically discuss the causes and effects of absenteeism in the workplace with the view to derive effective ways to measure and manage absenteeism. It will seek to understand absenteeism as an indicator of psycholog ical, social adjustment to work. 1. What do we mean by Absenteeism?According to dictionary, Absenteeism can be defined as habitual failure to appear, especially for work and other regular duty. The rate occurrence of habitual absence from work or duty. Absenteeism can be viewed as re-occurring absence from work, duty and obligation, thought to reflect employee demoralization or dissatisfaction. This can also be viewed as a breach of the implicit contract that exists between the employer and the employed. Simply put, Failure to report to or stay at work when scheduled is tagged absenteeism. 1.1 Absenteeism can be grouped into two categories –Involuntary/Innocent absenteeism: This is when absences are unavoidable and understandable. For instance Absences due to death in the family Pregnancy or Maternity issues Absences caused by illness or injury Car/ vehicle issues Other family related or personal issues Accidents and natural disasters Disability-related absentee ism- Human rights obligations Voluntary/Culpable Absenteeism: Voluntary absenteeism is an instance where an employee, out of his own freewill or laziness, chooses to stay off work. Absences in this case are avoidable. Missing work without advance notice, to go the cinema or watch football Making excuses for consistent late coming to workDeceitfully/fraudulently applying for sick leave or calling in ‘sick’Failure to report to work as scheduled or showing up late for no good reason 1.2 Causes of Absenteeism in the workplace There are various factors that could influence an employee to be absent at work. These factors are as followsPersonal Factors:Personal Attitude: individuals posses different attitudes and bring these attitudes forth to the workplace. Employees with strong workplace ethics will respect their work and appreciate their contribution to the organisation and as such, will not take unscheduled off from the workplace. Conversely, employees with low or without work ethics are in- disciplined and have behavioural issues. Because they feel no obligation to the organisation, absenteeism comes easily to them. Age: The age of an employee often affects their attitude to work.The younger the employees are often restless, they want to have fun and be with friends rather than being tied down with responsibilities. This leads to lack of ownership and usually leads to unscheduled and unauthorised time off. Gender: Women are usually challenged with balancing their time between work and home. Their families are always the utmost priority, thus they would rather be absent from work to sort out family issuesWorkplace Factors:Organizational Culture: Every organisation is a culture with its own norms. An organisation with an embedded absenteeism culture, screen played by its management and supervisors lack of commitment would encourage further employee absenteeismLack of Motivation and Rewards: The relationship between the organisation and its employees i s influenced by what motives them to work and the rewards and fulfilment they derive from it. Inability of managers or employers to motivate employees and meet their extrinsic and intrinsic needs would lead to lack if motivation and commitment hence, absenteeism in the workplaceAbsence of learning culture: Learning means change, thus can affect  organisations effectiveness. Employees love to work in an organisation where they would improve themselves and their career through organisational learning and knowledge management, which could be inculcated through coaching, mentoring, trainings and other explicit methods. In an organisation where a learning culture is absent, employees feel de-motivated, unsatisfied and feel their career growth is threatened.Hence they excuse themselves from work without authorisation in search for greater challenges and organisations where they would gain improve themselves. Stress at work: According to a report cited in Financial Times: ‘Stress a t work is the biggest problem in European companies’ Voluntary absenteeism takes place because employees are dissatisfied with their job; hence they feel stressed doing the work either because of the work load or unsuitable assigned roles. {Egs} wrongly assigning a customer service manager to manage treasury department, without adequate experience and training.Due to lack of adequate experience in the field and fixed timed deliverables and tasks, he feels stressed and harassed in the role and thus breaks down into stress or depression and seeks sick leave and abandons the job. Voluntary Absenteeism also takes place where the employees feel there is a strain on their psychological contract with the employer, this indirectly erupts lack of organizational commitment. This strain could develop to stress and impact on employee attendance to work.Leadership Style: An organization’s, team or unit leadership style could impact on employee commitment, job satisfaction with impr oved or impaired participation and attendance to work. While Democratic and laissez fair leadership style encourages shared decision making, shared responsibility, creativity and participation and can be highly motivational, which enhances teamwork and interpersonal relations. Autocratic and paternalistic leadership styles could de-motivate and alienate employees. Employees might feel less important in the organisation, hence the need to avoid work. Work Routine and lack of Change: doing the same job or task over a long period of time can get monotonous.The employees get bored and thus might choose to take unauthorised time off to do something he considers interesting than going to work. Job Satisfaction: if employees do not find their work interesting, satisfying and challenging, they feel dissatisfied, which leads  to increased absenteeism in the workplace Work life balance: Organisation who not factor employee’s roles and work life such that a balance is stroked with wor k and the individual’s personal life commitments and family would experience increased employee absenteeism. Conflict in the workplace: ultimately increases chances of employee absenteeism.Lack of team spirit: A team that lacks unity, synergy and good interpersonal relationship amongst its members, will be a weak and unproductive. Such team members will lack team spirit-the spirit that bonds individuals in a team. This lack of team spirit can de-motivate team members, make them work in isolation, they would lack the sense of belonging, love and satisfaction. There would exist, fears of the unknown, lack of trust for team members. These feelings will encourage an employee to stay off work. Social Factors: factors such as difficult community circumstances like High crime and intimidation rates which constitutes fear in employee’s catalyses absenteeism in the workplace. Other social factors are – Lack of transportation/transport facilitiesPoverty levels Malnutritio n HIV/AIDS Labour Strikes 1.3 Effects of Absenteeism in the workplaceWhen a company has an absentee problem, it has a profit problem. Absenteeism can take a deep financial toll on any business, whether a small or multinational company. There are also other significant effects associated with excessive absenteeism: Decreased Productivity: in a team of people doing interrelated tasks, if one persistent remains absent or fails to deliver, it creates a domino effect on productivity. It affects employee/team morale: this is due to the fact that additional stress are places on employees who act as replacements or assume additional tasks for absenteesAbsenteeism causes disruptions in the workplace and impacts on the SLA’s It affects customer service levels, turnaround times, customer loyalty and satisfaction. It affect or disrupts effective team formation and operations It may create a perception of unfairness amongst employeesIt affects the bottom-line 2.0 Measuring Absenteeism2.1 Why measure absenteeism?It is pertinent to measure the rate of absenteeism in the workplace. Measuring employee’s absenteeism is a good way to measure Overall Labour Effectiveness (OLE) in the workplace, which is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the utilization, performance and quality of the workforce and its impact on productivity. Monitoring staff absence rates helps to trace the pattern of employee attendance.To monitor and check dead times, in the workplace, to derive and measure resources and costs incurred due to employee absenteeism with the aim of devising effective methods to manage absenteeism in the workplace. In measuring absenteeism in the workplace, we derive the ratio of its administrative, financial and productivity cost to the organisation which will enable development of strategies to curb absenteeism while rechanneling resources more effectively to effect the bottom-line positively.Administrative costs of Absenteeism:Time consumed in control ling absenteeism Time consumed in sourcing replacements and re-assigning duties. Supervisor’s time Financial Costs: this are the costs accruing form Overtime costs Replacement employee costs Training costs Over staffing costs Productivity Costs: Replaced productivity and loss of output costs the costs of supporting replacement employees Costs accrued in training new or replacement staff/hiring temp staff Substandard production2.2 Ways of Measuring AbsenteeismThe Total Tim lost: Number of person-days lost through job absence during period X 100 (Average number of employees) x (Number of Work days)This rate also can be based on number of hours instead of number of days. The â€Å"individual frequency† formula: This is calculated as thus : Individual frequency = (Num of Absent Employees/Average Number of Employees) x100 The Bradford Factor or Bradford Formula: According to the Chartered Institute of Personal and Development, the term was first coined due to its supposed c onnection with research undertaken by the Bradford University School of Management in the 1980s. It was developed as a way of highlighting the misappropriate level of disruption on an organisation’s performance that can be caused by short-term employee absence compared to incidences of prolonged absence. In contrast, it is considered short-sighted and unlikely to be successful which could lead to staff dissatisfaction and grievances. The Bradford factor can be calculated as follows:B= S2 x D where: B is the Bradford Factor score S is the total number of spells(instances) of absence of an individual over a set period D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set period The ‘set period’ is typically set as a rolling 52 week period. For example:1 instance of absence with a duration of 15 days (1x 1 x 5)= 5 points 4 instances of absence; one of one, one of four and one of six days (4 x 4 x 5) =80 points 6 instances of absences ;each fo r two days (6 x 6 x 5) = 180 points However, the Bradford factor has been critiqued for its limited and short-sightedness in effectively measuring absenteeism, this is because it only factors total number and frequency of individual absence into account, neglecting the kind of absence.Again, the Bradford factor is a generic process and would be inappropriate to implement on disabled employees this is because certain disabilities require higher days of absence. Employers are bound by law e.g. The British Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA) to tailor their actions to the individual circumstances of  disabled employees and failure to provide these reasonable adjustments by employers may lead to civil actions or breach of DDA in employment tribunal 3.0 Managing absenteeism:Absenteeism: A cultural problemEvery organisation is a culture, with its own norms that constitute the expected, supported and accepted ways of behaving. These norms are most times unwritten and advice people on the code of conduct. The existing culture and norms influences everyone’s perception of the business, from the CEO to the newly hired employee. Management’s behaviour has a special impact on organisational behaviour as relates to absenteeism, this is because of its modelling influence. Investigations have shown that absenteeism was/is directly traceable to the group norms established by leadership, the work environment and group expectations. Each group had similar illness records, it was the norms that dictated, and almost predictably, whether people showed up for work.Absenteeism is often symptoms of larger organisational problems and can be managed as thus: Leadership modelling and commitment: Managerial commitments and participatory culture have an important impact on attendance. E.g. in a retail company, a manager who demonstrated little commitment to attendance practices recorded one of the highest absenteeism rates in his organisation. Work motivation and rewards: Motivation in the work place is the driving force to achieve employee job satisfaction and commitment. This motivation could be Extrinsic or Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation relates to the tangible rewards e.g. Salary, security, promotion and conditions of work.While,  Intrinsic motivation relates to the psychological rewards which includes; a sense of challenge and achievement, participation and appreciation from the employer. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; the expectancies of an employee from the employer are captured as thus- Motivated employees overcome obstacles to make it to work. The key to reducing employee absenteeism is to create a culture where employees want to come to work. Effective Groups and Team Building: groups and teams are essential features of the work pattern of organisations.These include formal and informal groups, project and virtual teams. Effective group and team building  encourages inter personal relationships, fulfils the individuals psychological need of love and belonging, encourages organisational learning and communication while reducing conflicts in the organisation. This ultimately gives employees, sense of belonging and contribution, job satisfaction and an increased love for the job which will be evidenced in attendance rate. Recruitment and selection: Employers should recruit employees with good attendance records. This information should be included in references.Employee orientation and training: Attendance norms should be established the first day on the job. These norms are inculcated at inductions and orientation sessions. Performance Appraisal: this can boost employee attendance rates. Management should attach attendance rates to performance appraisals, if employees are aware that attendance would be a part of their appraisal, they would minimise unnecessary absence from work.Conclusion:Organisational culture is a key factor that affects the norms and modus operandi of an organisat ion. Thus the leaders and manager have a great job of making effective decisions and inculcation the required culture through policies and examples. Creating an attendance-oriented culture requires a complete corporate commitment to encourage attendance rather than manage absenteeism. This would be a significant shift because an absenteeism culture not only cost millions of pounds, but also impedes the development of human resources, reduces organisation’s competitive advantage and affects the bottom-line My case study illustrating the causes, effects and how to manage absenteeism is evidenced in my reflective writing.

Key Terms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Key Terms - Assignment Example Ecological model is defined as an abstract in mathematical representation of an ecological system, which is studied to understand the actual system. They are formed by a combination of ecological relations and the gathered data in the fields. Family centered model is a way of working with both formal families and informal families across the systems of service to enhance their capacity to care and protect the children in their families as well as recognize the value of women’s employment. Family empowerment is defined a process by which the families access knowledge, skills and resources that help them to gain positive control of their lives as well and improve the quality of their life-styles High incidence disabilities are children who have different education needs and styles. They have communication disorders, mild mental retardation, and specific learning disabilities including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Individualize education program is a mandated program by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that gives opportunities to teachers, parents, school administrators, and students to work together and improve educational results for children with disabilities. Low-incidence disabilities are students who are characterized by blindness, low vision, deafness, hard-of-hearing, development delay, complex health issues, serious physical impairment, multiple disability and autism. Academic aptitude are those students who have potential to demonstrate exceptional strength in a specific area if academics. They have exceptional ability in one or more subject areas, that they performing beyond the norm for their age group. Continuum of Service is the range of placements, programs and services available for exceptional special needs of a student including regular classroom, to part time withdrawal to self-contained

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Team-Working Is the Most Effective Means of Organising People Essay

Team-Working Is the Most Effective Means of Organising People - Essay Example Team-working also leads to greater diversity of ideas strengthening the problem-solving process. For this reason it can be argued that team-working is a powerful organizational tool which enables the management to organize human resources in such a manner as to maximize its value to organizational performance. Because the external environment is characterized by a fast pace of change, an organization has to change accordingly in order to remain competitive. This objective can be achieved by incorporating the notion of team dynamics. Team dynamics are defined as interpersonal forces which affect team performance. Therefore the top management can make use of team dynamics to organize their people in the most effective manner. The team dynamics determine how the communication process takes place. Communicating in teams and organization is one of the critical success factors in building high-performance teams, defined as those teams which are characterized by superior performance managem ent systems. Because the performance in these teams is measured continuously, the organization can continue to deliver superior business results in an ever-changing external environment. For this reason, team-working is an effective means of organizing people according to the prescribed deliverables. Because of the continuous process of change occurring in the external business environment, an organization cannot afford to remain still. In that case it will not be able to sustain its competitive advantage. According to the strategy formulation framework developed by Michael Porter, a business organization can implement the strategies of cost minimization, focus and differentiation to develop a competitive advantage. However this advantage is only temporary because the competitors can also implement the same strategies to attain an identical level of performance. Thus the original organization does not have a competitive edge any more. However, if the competitive edge is based upon o rganizing people, then it can be sustainable because this is related to the organizational culture and the culture of each organization is unique. For this reason team-working is one of the critical success factors in the present day business environment. Team-working enables the management to organize the people in such a manner that the organizational culture becomes the source of the organization’s competitive advantage. When the organizational culture is based upon team-working, it focuses the management’s attention on creating an effective communications structure. Creating a well-functioning communications structure is the key to creating high-performance teams. Unless there is a free flow of ideas between the team members, the performance of the team will be affected negatively. Communicating in teams and organization ensures that each team member fully believes in the team behaviors and values. Only then can the teams reach their goals of high performance. Howe ver team-working provides a framework for organizing people in the most effective manner. If the management wants to implement the continuous improvement process, then organizing people into high-performance teams is the best solution. It creates a flexible organizational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hulse Letters Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Hulse Letters - Assignment Example In letters written by Hulse to his mother, the soldiers are seen determined, hardworking and impatient in the first months when preparing for battle, in his first letter he enthusiastically explains to his mother about their work in the mobilization of machinery and the soldiers readiness to set them in motion at any time, he talks animatedly about their position and the strengths of the British and French forces and fleet as compared to the German side.1 In his second letter he hinted of the start of the battle and talks about delivering a lecture to his platoon, he reminded them of their duty to their country, discipline and the treatment of all inhabitants with kindness. This is a depiction of a good leader setting an example for his fellow countrymen and giving them the necessary confidence and attitude to carry into the battlefield. As a leader he vows to set an example in his home or abroad when serving his country and king.2 The weather conditions in the field were wet and dreary, at first it hot and the temperatures inconveniencing, however the battalion and all its soldiers were fit and healthy raring to go on. These conditions changed after some time and the hot temperatures gave way to cold winds and rainfall, the poor weather conditions kept on deteriorating with heavy rains and sheets of snow and sleet. The trenches that had been dug in the fields would often flood and this would be uncomfortable and would dampen the soldiers and their drive.3 Due to the unpleasant conditions in the trenches and poor sanitation, the soldiers would get sick quite often due to the dampness that followed. The author got sick with dysentery and had to be lifted from the trenches with a high fever and barely conscious.4 These poor conditions saw the French hospitals overflowing with the soldiers who were sick due to the incessant rain and cold. This would

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cell Components Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cell Components - Essay Example In many ways, plant cells are similar to other eukaryotic cells. They have (usually just) one nucleus, organelles, a plasma membrane, and (almost all of them) share connections to adjacent cells. Cell walls and chloroplasts are the major plant cell distinctive features (Bowes, 1996). Protein synthesis occurs at tiny organelles called ribosomes. Ribosomes are composed of a large subunit and a small subunit. Ribosomes can be found alone in the cytoplasm, in groups called polyribosomes, or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (Bowes, 1996). The cytoplasm is a jellylike substance. It contains the nucleus and other cell structures (organelles). The cytoplasm contains enzymes, and most of the chemical reactions take place there. Cytoplasm operates as a "molecular soup" that binds together all of the cell's organelles, and separates the organelles within the cell. Cytoplasm is believed to be the origin of cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton supports movement of the cell as well as its anatomy through the cytoplasmic streaming. This occurs when the cytoskeleton moves to press the cell membrane it is then when the cytoplasm moves and occupies the empty space (Francis, 1996). Work Cited Bowes, Bryan.G. (1996). A Color Atlas of Plant Structure. London, UK: Manson Publishing. Francis, Dennis. (2001). The Plant Cell Cycle and Its Interfaces. London, UK: CRC

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Principles of Economics 3. part 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Principles of Economics 3. part 6 - Essay Example Prices of goods and services do not change proportionately over time. This means that some prices rise more than others and consumers substitute products and services that have become relatively less expensive. CPI overstates the cost of living by excluding the possibility for product substitution. When the quality of a good deteriorates, the value of the dollar falls, and vice versa. Because changes in the quality are hard to measure, the basket calculates prices on the assumption that quality is constant, which distorts the CPI measures. Although the CPI is not perfect, together with other indexes like GDP deflator or PPI, it gives a relatively useful indication about the cost of living for consumers. CPI and other price indexes are used to compare dollar values over time, by taking into account the effects on inflation. Reference: Mankiw, G. (2004) "Chapter 24. Measuring the Cost of Living" Principles of Economics pp.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Urbanization of The Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Urbanization of The Internet - Essay Example By looking at Myspace and Facebook we can see the same fear, flight, and the slow reintegration that that is characteristic of American cultural attitudes. Myspace, one of the original social networks, was created to be open to everyone, while Facebook was exclusive. Loose security at Myspace made the site a haven for predators, danger, and disreputable behavior. Facebook was established to eliminate the perils that were inherent on Myspace. It was created as a college only site, which had the socio-economic implication that the poor and uneducated need not apply. This is similar to the racial fear of the previous half-century that saw the white population fleeing the decaying inner cities for the exclusivity of suburbia. This same phenomenon was echoed in the creation of Facebook. Myspace continued to be a haven for deviance and what Danah Boyd calls the "subaltern teens", while Facebook had attracted a more urbanite client base with an 'invitation only' strategy. Social networking requires that friends exist on the same system. This is consistent with the changing landscape of America's socio-economic division.

Bombs Bursting in Air Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bombs Bursting in Air - Assignment Example But we still hear the â€Å"bombs† going off in our lives and we are afraid or lost because of what is going on. Rather than shielding us from reality, our parents and teachers should instead help us understand why these â€Å"bombs† go off in some peoples lives and not in others. The importance of these life lessons cannot be stressed enough and just like the essay explains, our parents and other adults will no longer be able to shield us from that reality. So the question that we should ask ourselves is â€Å"how young is too young to understand lifes realities?†. In the modern age of the internet and 24/7 news media, the innocence of young people is stolen faster than parents can cover up the situations. Perhaps the time has come for parents to acknowledge that the children of today, if spoken to and explained to in a proper manner, can actually prove to be far more mature than their parents and teachers actually think they

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why only Thailand had not been under colonial rules Research Paper

Why only Thailand had not been under colonial rules - Research Paper Example European aspiration for trade and consumption, creation empires and exploitation of the slave labour has produced an immense impact on many regions of the world. Whereas Spain was a pioneer in conquest and colonial expansion forcing American aboriginal population out in order to take their place and plant the new religion, other European empires took up the baton in this direction of development. The most powerful colonial empires were the Netherlands, Russian Empire, France and Great Britain. Seeking to gain control over as many beneficial territories as possible, the empires kept on spreading their influence across the New World, Africa and Asia. As the world had seen the first wave of decolonization at the turn of the 19th century when the territories of the New World won their independence weakening Spain as the colonial empire, other colonists set their eyes on the countries of the Old World, territories of South Africa, India and Southeast Asia in particular. The history of the Southeast Asian region was marked by the colonial rule and forced interaction between regional governors and the foreign powers that came to conquer and exploit the territories economically. Naturally, the origins of the colonialism policy lay in the cradle of Western civilization, in Europe. Whereas the main colonists of the region were France and Great Britain, the Southeastern colonies included Burma, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and East Timor (Ingkhaninan). The beginning if expansion took place in the 16th century when Spain began invasive war against the Philippines conquering the islands and maintaining control over them until 1898. Indochina, in its turn, became an arena for French aggressive expansion with Vietnam and Cambodia being colonized and turned into the so-called Indochinese Union. Later, in 1893, French colonists conquered Laos. Therefore, almost the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Accreditation Audit Essay Example for Free

Accreditation Audit Essay With all of the possible problems that could occur during surgery, a wrong-site, wrong-patient mistake is one that should never arise. Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) fully understands the importance of doing away with these errors and has set up protocol to work towards this goal. While the protocol is in place, it is not fully compliant with Joint Commission (JC) standards. Standard: UP.01.01.01: Conduct a preprocedure verification process. Nightingale Community Hospital has a Site Identification and Verification policy and procedure. Within this policy, and Preoperative/Preprocedure Verification Process is addressed. There is also a Preprocedure Hand-Off form present. This form is a bit misleading as it is essentially a hand-off form in general with a few extra boxes possible for check-off. To prepare for inspection and audit, NCH should create and implement a form for use within the Operating Theater or wherever procedures are performed, such as bedside procedures. This form needs to be more specific in addressing at least the minimum requirements by JC. The form needs to cite that all relevant documentation is present, such as signed consent form, nursing assessment, preanesthesia assessment, history and physical. The form also needs to specify that the necessary diagnostic and radiology test results, rather they be images and scans, or biopsy reports, and properly displayed and labeled. Finally, to fulfill the minimum requirements by JC, any and all required blood products, implants, devices, and special equipment needs to be labeled and matched to the patient. Standard: UP.01.02.01: Mark the procedure site. NCH covers the procedure site marking standard fairly well within their Site Identification and Verification Policy. It mentions that site marking is needed for those cases involving laterality, multiple structures, or levels. Several times in their policy NCH mentions that it is best to have the patient involved, if at all possible. If the patient is unable to mark the site, the policy states that the physician will be called to mark the site. The policy states that the mark shall be made in permanent black marker so it will remain visible after skin preparation, and also in a location that will remain visible after sterile draping is in place. The policy also  includes circumstances in which the marking will be unable to be performed based on the location of the surgery being in an area that is unable to be marked. Standard: UP.01.03.01: A time-out is performed before the procedure. Nightingale Community Hospital has an adequate procedure in place for the time-out performance. Within the Site Identification and Verification Policy, the Time-Out Procedure complies with JC standards. A time-out is to be conducted immediately prior to performance of the procedure, it is initiated by the nurse or technologist, it involves all personnel involved in the procedure, the team members agree to a minimum of patient identity, correct site, and correct procedure to be performed, and all of this information is documented in the record, including those involved and the duration of the time-out. The only issue not addressed fully is the possibility of multiple procedures occurring on the same patient by different practitioners, and in that case, an additional time-out needs to be done for every new procedure. The Communication priority focus area is an extremely important area for any hospital. This is a common sense area that should be able to reach complete compliance. A wrong-patient, wrong-site issue should never arise and is completely avoidable. In 2010, Joint Commission reported that wrong-patient/site surgeries continued to be the most frequently reported sentinel event(Spath 2011).Jay Arthur states that JC reports between four and six wrong-site surgeries per day(2011). The World Health Organization believes that at least 500,000 deaths per year could be prevented if the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was correctly implemented. These numbers, when compared with the possibility of 100% compliance, are astounding and completely avoidable. Nightingale Community Hospital is well on their way to avoiding these types of sentinel events through usages of proper protocol, procedures, and policy as is seen by the upward trend from their last year of self-checks. With continued diligence and appropriate modifications made, this can be an area that NCH, and any other hospital can be fully compliant in. References Arthur, J. (2011). Lean six sigma for hospitals: Simple steps to fast, affordable, flawless healthcare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Spath, P. L. (2011). Error reduction in health care: A systems approach to improving patient safety (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossy-Bass. WHO (2013). WHO | Safe surgery saves lives. Retrieved from [Last Accessed November 5, 2013].

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Are Ghosts An Illusion Of The Mind Philosophy Essay

Are Ghosts An Illusion Of The Mind Philosophy Essay Ghosts are just one of the many subtopics that reside within the topic of paranormal. Paranormal experiences are studied using parapsychology: a scientific approach to supposedly paranormal experiences. With the use of H. J. Irwins brilliant book called, An Introduction to Parapsychology Third Edition, and Bobby Elgees article called, Evidence of the Paranormal and Ghosts, we are able to deduce a theoretically sound explanation of what is paranormal and since when has the topic been studied. Then, we analyze the survival hypothesis and the ability of a soul to live outside the body. After, we proceed to the definition of ghosts and their usual whereabouts while setting the conditions that they usually appear in as well as to who they appear. Finally, we go on to claiming that these experiences are not really ghosts, but either hallucinations or just simply paranormal due to the witnesses wild conclusion that it couldnt be anything other than a ghost. Ghosts: An Illusion of the Mind Ghosts are not what you think they are, far from it. They arent the friendly little ghost you see in Casper, nor are they the Bloody Baron from SpongeBob Squarepants who haunts the ocean for eternity. They might not even be anything at all, just a word people exploit to an unknown object which might have a logical explanation. Yet, most cultures in the world believe in the body having a soul which like the heart, can exist and survive in another body. Yet, even if such an idea is generally believe by a large population of the world, it may not be true. Thought or belief proves nothing, for if it were, then a group could believe in radioactive helicopter bunnies and it would be fact. Yet, people need proof, therefore, to believe ghosts, we need proof that they exist. Life isnt neither what people see in movies, read in books nor see in pictures. Therefore, neither are ghosts. In order to prove ghosts dont exist, we have to analyze the parapsychological and the paranormal, the survival theory, the situations in which ghost usually appear and how most experiences are most likely fakes. According to Bobby Elgee, the word paranormal simply means not scientifically explainable.' (Elgee, 2009, pg 1) Meanwhile, parapsychology is known as the study of apparent anomalies of behavior and experience that exist apart from currently known explanatory mechanisms that account for organism-environment and organism-organism information and influence flow (Irwin, 1999, pg 1). Therefore, it is the commutation of a being to another, or a being to a surrounding. In other words, parapsychology is using a scientific approach to study experiences that may be paranormal and to determine whether or not the evident paranormal quality of a given class of parapsychological experience is authentic or ontologically real. (Irwin, 1999, pg 9) According to Irwin, recorded instances of parapsychological experiences of course may be found among all cultures and in all historic periods. (Irwin, 1999, pg 13) Yet, the testing of such experiences for accuracy and authenticity was slower to emerge. Some, such as Henry More and Joseph Glanvill showed themselves alert to the possibility of fraud, delusion, and unreliable observation, but their views more religious than scientific as they were endeavoring to ascertain the earthly presence of the devil and diabolical forces. (Irwin, 1999, pg 14) It was later that Francis Bacon made a call for objective scrutiny of parapsychological experiences (Irwin, 1999, pg 14) which was more scientific than More and Glanvill, but at the time society was not receptive to such a view and Bacons arguments went unheeded. (Irwin, 1999, pg 14) Then, a center in England called the Society for Psychical Research where parapsychologists are united in their conviction that the objective investigation of pa rapsychological phenomena was called for, despite the prevailing disinterest in such research among the established divisions of science. (Irwin, 1999, pg 13) Even today, most of society disregards the subject as scientific, yet parapsychology is under taken as a scientific endeavor regardless of its subject matter, flaws in any of its research procedures, and the skeptical rhetoric of its critics. (Irwin, 1999, pg 2) Therefore, Irwin states that, All ESP experiences thus are parapsychological, but we require proof that any of them could be paranormal. (Irwin, 1999, pg 2) How do parapsychologists know that an experience is truly paranormal? According the Elgee, Competent paranormal investigators will attempt to rule out the anomaly (Elgee, 2009, pg 1) or anything that seems abnormal or irregular. If someone captures a photo of a strange orb or mist, parapsychologists would ask all questions possible in order to rule out irregularities such as: is it a reflection? Is it a bug? Is it dust? Is it condensation on the lens of the camera? Is it a problem with the developing and/or printing process? (Elgee, 2009, pg 1) Yet, according to Irwin, parapsychologists focus of study is purely a matter of appearance, of how an experience seems to be. (Irwin, 1999, pg 2) Therefore, even if the survival hypothesis proves not to provide a legitimate basis for their conceptual integration, each of these experiences appears to entail the existence of a nonphysical or spiritual self (Irwin, 1999, pg 9) thereby, the experience is parapsychological. The authenticity of the experience relates to the question of whether the issue of underlying processes concerns the question of how? (Irwin, 1999, pg 9) For it to be paranormal, the question of must be raised. How is this possible? How did this come here? How did it happen? If the question of how cannot be answered, it is hence called paranormal. Yet, there are groups today that are causing a steadfast declination in the belief of the paranormal. They are damaging the credibility of legitimate and accomplished paranormal researchers and parapsychologists by posting photographs that are easily dismissed as well-known and easily identifiable camera malfunctions and other artifacts of the photographic process. (Elgee, 2009) If people keep on claiming that every small malfunction is an apparition or paranormal experience, then nobody would believe if a true paranormal experience emerged. It would be the boy who called wolf all over again, except with ghosts, orbs, mists and many other strange paranormals. According to Irwin, the survival hypothesis concerns the notion of postmortem survival, that is, that a disembodied consciousness or some such discarnate element of human personality might survive bodily death at least for a time. (Irwin, 1999, pg 175) Simply stated, the survival hypothesis is the notion that there is some element of human existence that survives death. (Irwin, 1999, pg 8) For an apparition or spirit to appear, it has to be able to survive outside the body. Due to the fact that apparitions, ghosts as a matter of fact, can be of the living, we can assume that survival does not necessarily imply immortality or eternal existence (Irwin, 1999, pg 175) after death of the body, but more of the soul being able to survive outside the body for a limited time. Therefore, when comprehending an experience in which an apparition is involved, parapsychologists must be able to believe that a disembodied consciousness or some such discarnate element of human personality might surviv e bodily death at least for a time. (Irwin, 1999, pg 175) Due to implications of an existence after death, the survival hypothesis has obvious religious connotations. (Irwin, 1999, pg 175) Yet, since the topic is being studied from a scientific point of view, these are of no concern. Therefore, when looking at the topic from a scientific point of view, we ask questions. In order to analyze, the first step is to ask questions in order to be able to understand all aspects of the situation. Becker asks, is there a nonphysical element of human existence that can separate from the physical body, can survive organic death, can reattach its organization as an integral personality after death, can appear before and haunt the living, [and] can be born again in another body? (Becker, 1993, pg 9) Yet, it cannot be scientifically proven that there is a life after death since there is no evidence. That is a question of faith at this point in time since there is no scientific evidence of the exis tence of ghosts or an afterlife. (Elgee, 2009) Therefore, we have to assume accordingly that in case of a life after death, we could thereby presume a ghost to be real. Yet, until then, all suggestions are merely that and nothing else. A ghost is a type of apparition. According to Irwin, an apparition is encountered in a perceptual-like experience and relates to a person or animal that is not physically present, with physical means of communication being ruled out. (Irwin, 1999, pg 243) Therefore, for it to be an apparition there has to be evidence that the figure is not there and has no possible means of a connection to the witness. Yet, Irwin states that it is held to be pointless to speak of apparitions unless we mean this term to refer to the hypothesis of an objective entity. (Irwin, 1999, pg 243) He goes on to say the having defined the term thus, it is up to parapsychologists to ascertain if these hypothesized objective entities actually exist. (Irwin, 1999, pg 243) Therefore, it is up to parapsychologists to study all rational explanations until there are no explanations, naming the experience as paranormal, but not necessarily an apparition. As Eglee states, If weve done a good job ruling out everything, w e may just be left with something paranormal. Thats it. (Elgee, 2009) We cannot call something unexplainable by a name other than paranormal, or seemingly an apparition. Otherwise, it would be metaphorical to calling someone you dont know Bob. You may assume it to be Bob, but he is just an unknown somebody until evidence proves otherwise. One problem that could be raised against any definition of the apparition (Irwin, 1999, pg 243) is that it could be a hallucination. Unless witnesses by more than one sanitary person, an apparition could be a persons mind playing tricks on the so-called experient. Therefore, parapsychologists have gone from studying the apparition to studying the apparitional experience in order to adopt a phenomenological approach (Irwin, 1999, pg 244) in the field of study. According to Irwin, so-called ghosts are recurrent haunting apparitions, that is, the same figure is witnessed in the same location on a number of occasions often by a number of different experients. (Irwin, 1999, 250) Here, we witness Irwin suggesting that for the figure to be a ghost, it has to be seen in the same location, more than once and by different witnesses. He also adds that some ghosts reportedly perform the same actions in the same location on each occasion they are experienced. (Irwin, 1999, pg 244) He states that they appear real and solid as well as that their appearance changes as the experient moves around it. They occlude objects they move in front of and are occluded by objects they move behind. (Irwin, 1999, pg 244) He also includes instances in which they may cast a shadow or when the experient may perceive their reflection in a mirror. (Irwin, 1999, 244) This disproves the transparent misty forms popularized in fiction (Irwin, 1999, 244) Irwin states that most figures are experienced within 10 feet of the subject and in the majority of cases (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) the figure is not recognized by the experient. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) If an experience is defined as paranormal, is truly justifiable to be able to call the irregularity a ghost? Even Elgee proclaims, To take the next step and call a possibly paranormal photograph a picture of a ghost is a leap of faith that I, personally, cant swallow. A person can certainly make that statement, but at that point it becomes an opinion, a statement based on belief and faith. (Elgee, 2009) He goes on to proclaim that, At that point, I can choose what I believe. Theres simply no evidence backing it up. (Elgee, 2009) Even in spirit communication there are points where the truth simply depends on faith. The medium could be lying, unless it is one of the rare instances where the medium received some skill the personality demonstrably possessed while alive but which the medium himself/herself does not have. (Irwin, 1999, pg 177) Ghost recognition is simply to irrational to be studied scientifically. As Elgee proclaims, ghost hunting doesnt lend itself to a well-controlled scientific experiment. (Elgee, 2009) He goes on to state that, The methodologies are weak, the equipment used was never originally designed to detect ghosts, and it is nearly impossible to replicate the results. (Elgee, 2009) Therefore, how can it be proved that ghosts exist with the use of insufficient methods and equipment that was not made for ghost hunting? Even Irwin states that, in no way is there any presumption here of the existence of the paranormal even though many contemporary parapsychologists (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) actually regard parapsychology as the study of the paranormal. (Irwin, 1999, pg 1) If someone who has spent most of his life studying the paranormal refuses to proclaim the existence of it, then how can we believe the many who claim without proof that a minor irregularity is something major such as the ghost of dead perso n? Are there really such things as ghosts due to the fact that most of the apparitions seen are dead? According to Irwin, about 70% of recognized apparitions are of people whom the experient knew to be dead. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) He goes on to proclaim that the number of ghost an experient witnesses may vary with the age of the individual or more precisely, with the number of deceased persons the individual knew. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Therefore, it assumed that the more dead people you know, the more likely you are able to see ghosts. Is it truly ghosts? Or is it the mind playing memories of actions you have seen the diseased performing in a certain place every time you pass by. For example, you see your dead grandmother planting flowers in the garden every time you walk by on a visit. Most experients are likely to lie or jump to conclusions, therefore, we can presume that the operation of fraud (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) remain potential interpretations (Irwin, 1999, pg 177) of such proclamations as the sightings of ghosts or other apparitions. It might even be a story used to increase the experients reputation in order to make him/her more interesting. One of Irwins students reported the experience of strolling along a deserted beach and feeling someone walking beside her. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Most of humanity gets the same feeling while walking alone, especially in the dark, yet, usually, there is no one there and it is a trick of the mind. The student goes on to proclaim, that she did not see or hear anything to indicate there was something there (Irwin, 1999, pg 247), yet, the sense of a presence was very strong and she felt very comfortable with it. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Could it not have been a cool breeze that caused the student to feel comfortable and, assuming it was warm since she was on the beach, the breeze was strong due to the oceans current? No, the student jumped to the conclusion that it was an apparition or spirit, but unfortunately, the student has no proof. Another experience is of one totally deaf man described hearing the rustle of an apparitional figures dress. (Irwin, 1999, pg 247) Is it really true, or is it the yearning of the man to actually hear something, that his mind played tricks on him? Since most experients whom are able to witness many ghosts or apparitions have known many deceased, could it not be assumed that it is just the mind projecting an image of that we wish to see? A similar analogy would be that of a man trapped in a desert seeing a mirage of a lake. What we see, is simply what we wish to see and nothing more. By analyzing the parapsychological and the paranormal, the survival theory, the situations in which ghosts usually appear and how most of those experiences are easily proven fakes, we have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for ghosts to truly exist unless evidence prove otherwise. Even if, later on, experients actually turn out to have a sixth sense that could perceive the dead, could it not be just that: a sixth sense?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Googles Human Resource Management

Googles Human Resource Management James Bushor Many organizations want to be able to retain their employees because it benefits their organizations in the long run. Today, there are many organizations with high employee turnovers. High employee turnover can be a huge problem for most organizations because employee turnover is the number of employees they have to constantly hire to ensure that their organizations are operated consistently with their goals. High employee turnover can cost organizations at high expenses and can demonstrate a negative outcome on organizations. Ignoring this particular problem can lead to a destruction of an organization. Therefore, developing employee retention techniques is a best way to ensure that a needed number of employees remain employed while maintaining work performance and productivity. If employees are happy with their jobs at their organizations, it can lower their turnover rate. There are many organizations that successfully maintain its number of employees by its recruitment, selection, and retention practices. Google is going to be used as an example during discussion on this paper. Google has successfully maintained its retention of high quality employees by its retention program. Lombardo (2017) stated that Googles success is based on its high quality human resources. The company generally emphasizes smartness and excellence among its employees. Googles human resource management also includes carefully selected strategies, methods, and techniques for recruitment and selection, and for the retention of high quality workers. The firms recruitment practices and selection process ensure an adequate workforce. The retention programs at Google are designed to retain excellent employees. These programs also attract employees to the firm. The next section discusses how Google successfully maintains its number of employees by using its strategies, methods, and techniques for recruitment and selection, and for retention of high quality employees. Lombardo (2017) stated that Googles human resource management uses a mixture of internal and external recruitment sources to maintain the adequacy of its human resources. The company uses promotions, transfers, and trainees/interns as the main internal recruitment sources for HR needs. On the other hand, the external recruitment sources at Google include educational institutions and respondents to job advertisements. Google ads are mostly posted on Googles Careers website and on various websites through search engines and institutions. Also, Google sends their high-skilled recruiters to various educational institutions to give a presentation about its opportunities. Google successfully enables a constant arrival of qualified employees with these recruitment practices. Googles human resource management has settled the most significant criteria for the selection of applicants, which are smartness, creativity, drive for excellence, and alignment with the organization. Google does not view work experience as a major criterion for the selection process. Google mostly seeks potential applicants that strive for excellence and innovation. Google has goals to maximize innovation to support its broad differentiation strategy. That explains how Google successfully created a wide variety of applicable products and services that they provide to the world. Googles selection process commonly involves background checks, preliminary screening, on-the-job tests, and interviews. Googles human resource management uses various procedures and steps for various positions within Google. Google provides compensation packages to retain high qualified employees, which is one of the main Googles HRM tool to ensure that Googles operations are consistent with its goals and activities. Googles compensation packages are competitive and above average. Google provides high salaries and wages, free meals, incentives, and benefits to employees. The typical design of Googles offices highlights fun and creativity, which attract and retain high qualified employees. Googles HRM provides coaching and mentoring program to retain and develop employees with leadership potential (Lombardo, 2017). With those strategies, methods, and techniques that Google uses, organizations can achieve their desired goals to retain a number of employees. Also, those practices can reduce the costs of hiring process dramatically. Each organizations HRM should seek best practices that are shared widely by many organizations and also, they should create a new practice that supports their goals. Each organizations HRM should be encouraged to share their best practices with other organizations even though they may be in a competitive recruitment. Reference Lombardo, J. (2017). Googles HRM: Recruitment, Selection, Retention. Retrieved from

Summary of Behavioral Genetics :: Science, Technlogy, Psychology

Behavioral Genetics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Behavioral Genetics is a new field of study. The purpose of Behavioral Genetics is to investigate the affects of genetics and environment on individual human behavior. Behavioral Genetics is a quite complex field of study and the path towards the understanding the relation of genetics and environment to individual human behavior is a long and difficult one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are instances that support the theory that behavior has a biological basis. Behavior is often reproduced in consecutive generations of a species. Drugs that chemically alter the brain have been shown to also alter the behavior of an individual; furthermore, behaviors such as mental illness have been known to run in families. Many studies have shown many different things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In fact, Behavioral Genetics is studied in many different fashions. In the traditional fashion, a researcher might use a set of twins to conduct an observation in which the biological and environmental effects are determined and sorted through. In a more complex nature, the presence of the 21st chromosome is associated with mental retardation; however, the brain processes that affect it are not clear yet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many researchers have determined that genetics are the cause for many physical behaviors. A growing concentration on genes and behavior has many more considering the belief that genetics is a great factor in determining human behavior. Yet, there are many problems in simply using a blanket correlation between genome and behavior. It is extremely difficult to completely identify all other possible causes for a certain condition and prove that it is caused solely by genetics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Genes do affect behavior; however, not single genes.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Reading Reaction to My Brother Sam is Dead :: essays research papers

Report On AIDS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  AIDS( Acquired immune deficiency symdrome) is caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) which attacks selected cells in the immune system and produces defects in function. These defects may not be apparent for years. They lead to a severe suppression of the immune system's ability to resist harmful organisms. This leaves the body open to invasion by various infections.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first cases of AIDS were reported in the early 1980s. From 1981 to 1998 more than 700,000 AIDS cases and more than 400,000 deaths have been reported in the United States. It is estimated that nearly 1 million Americans have been infected through the late 1990s but nt have yet developed clinical symptoms. In 1997 the United Nations announced that it had underestimated the spread and revised the estimate of people living with the disease from 22 million in 1996 and 30 million in 1997. The origin of the AIDS virus is uncertain but may have originated in Central Africa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first AIDS patients in the Americas and Europe were almost exclusively male homosexuals and bisexuals. Others received AIDS from blood transfusions, hemophiliacs and drug users or females whose male sexual partners had AIDS. Since 1989 heterosexual was found to be the fastest growing means of transmission of the virus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  American researchers named the virus that causes AIDS the human T-lymphotropic virus, typee III or HTLV-III. In the late 1980s they discovered several forms of the AIDS virus. It was renamed the human immunodeficiency virus type 1, or HIV-1. The virus enters the bloodstream and destroys certain white blood cells called T lymphocytes or T cells. The T cells play a very important role in the functioning of the immune system. The virus can affect other types of cells in the body such as macrophages. Macrophages are not killed by the virus but T cells are. Research has suggested that macrophages may carry the AIDS virus to healthy brain cells to the lymphatic system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the AIDS virus enters the bloodstream, the body's immune system produces antibodies to battle the microorganism. Blood tests can detect these antibodies and therefore can indicate exposure to the virus. Sometimes these tests give false readings and can only begin to give accurate results within two weeks to three months after infection. During that time an infected person may pass the virus to others. Scientists are still uncertain how the AIDS virus damges the immune system.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Online Education Essay

Every parent’s dream is to influence their children with life skills that will guide them to success in the future. In most cases, parents usually work full time jobs to achieve extra income to save for their children college costs. A college education could very well be that â€Å"cherry on top of the ice cream† for parents, and give them a moment to relax and finally take a breather. Today we find young adults with jobs working as hard their parents once did. This made it difficult to balance both work and school for them. In some instances, parents are usually the child’s first role model and teach them to set the standard for a good foundation of direction and determination. Students have been finding different methods to make it work by balancing out their work and school schedules. For example, working various schedules has been difficult, to include, morning, midday or twilight shifts just to add school, in their schedule. The burden in juggling work, school and personal time resulted in school taking a back seat and leaving no room to attend a traditional classroom. Distance learning has opened the door to the education community, businesses and private companies in many ways to assist those by introducing classroom instruction via online. Online education has boomed the past few years and has given individuals the chance to further their education. Priorities have once again changed, and the percentage of online courses taken has risen. Nonetheless, there is still argument whether a learner can obtain the information online, vice receiving proper classroom education. The goal of this paper is to address the benefits of distance learning are to identify the values, soundness and impact of online education. The future of online education has already impacted us in some way. Can one recall ever reading anything off your computer, smart phone or tablet? That is right! Believe it or not one has been educating themselves via the internet already. The tools are there and why not take advantage of a higher education with a college and/or university. In the article, Tom Snyder stated that, â€Å"lifelong learning must now be a part of everyone’s career plan†. I could not agree more with that statement. Web-based programs are on a rise and to educate oneself in an online environment is a significant benefit. There is always online training that your job requires one to complete for career advancement, without having a web based education one will not be able to get the required training needed for promotion. Online education is similar to what web-based training has to offer. It has the same goal in pushing out the information to such student, and it primarily depends on what the student is willing to learn. For students to have success while taking an online course, they should be determine and motivated. Even though online education is a self paced class, one can get overwhelmed and fall behind quickly. Instructors are answering questions online when students may have a problem. They will have to become more involved with the students by interacting on a one on one basis vice the classroom setting. The traditional classroom will always be there, and some may prefer it, but online learning has many benefits that cannot get passed up. In the Marine Corps, its main focal point is to be tactfully and technically proficient in their everyday duties. In the article, Samuel Ellis captures the big picture and identifies importance of being vigilant around your surroundings and what to do during an incident involving an active shooter. A key point that Brad Plumer wrote in February was that, â€Å"there have been 43 mass shootings in 25 states over the past four years – or nearly one per month†. The Marine Corps took notice, and it was not too long that something had to get done. Marine net is a distance learning tool that allows Marines, civilian employees and contractors the ability to gain and attain information via online education. According to Pete Russett, director of Mission Assurance Branch, â€Å"The shooting at Fort Hood and other similar tragedies led to this training†. Although this requisite requires your full attention to improve your experience on procedures for active shooters, it also assures that we can be familiar with the procedures of an active shooter. To train the number of Marines and civilians in a short amount of time would have taken long in a face to face classroom. However, Marine net bridged that gap and has established the ability to push out information and instruct everyone in a timely manner. Some may refer to online education as â€Å"false education† by not receiving the proper education in a tradition classroom. The article, Online Education May Transform Higher Ed, Brian Burnsed wanted to let the reader know that online education is happening throughout all colleges and universities and not leaving anytime soon. There were interesting facts that shook the online education movement. For example, change is constant and never-ending with innovations making it easier for students to access the internet for online courses. According to Matthew Tabor’s article, Louis Soares said, â€Å"A disruptive innovation always starts out at a lower quality,† he says. â€Å"[But], if you take that for-profit energy out of higher education, online [education] would not have grown the way it has in the last 10 years. † There has been an increase of student enrollment for online programs at these institutes. In the past, one was able to receive an associates and/or bachelors degree at smaller institutions that were strictly online courses. The bigger named universities and colleges have taken notice and started to implement newer online programs for potential students. This strategy ensured that students were, in fact, choosing these recognized institutes for online education. In Brian Burnsheds’ article, Richard Garrett, managing director at research firm, said, â€Å"We’re at the beginning of elite schools starting to take online seriously†. The increase of mobile technology has jumped start the revolution of online education. Students are far more familiar with computers that ever before. There are many changes that would have to be developed to create an online program that assists the instructor and teaches the student at the same time. Will there have to be personnel changes? Would the institute hire online only Professors? These are some of the factors to creating an effective online program, but the need of online education has increased and must be solved. At the end of the day, there are more positives than negatives for adding more online courses; it is just inevitable that students will take an online course sometime in the near future. Online education has come a long way to make it easier for students to achieve a higher education. It can be time consuming and beneficial at the same time. for the individual that is organized, determined, and motivated to self educate themselves. Many are skeptical that an instructor is not teaching, but just pushing information over the internet to the course. It is the responsibility of the student to ask questions; to improve his online learning experience. The rising demand for online courses will continue to climb and be as effective as or better than a traditional classroom. Though, it can all change with the intentions the institution has with the visualization and authenticity of their online education programs.

Ebay Problems in Asian Markets Essay

This topic ordain identify any(prenominal) of the reasons why E-Bay has problems in the Asiatic Markets as an lolly auction provider. After examining articles from Philip Kotler and David Gertner as tumesce as Moon Ihlwan among others, this paper will provide my answers about why did EBay motivation to embellish worldwidely as tumefy as why any of these Asian nations cute their dividing line?It will apologize some research explored about what types of meekness decisions the beau monde consumptiond in the Asian Markets. Utilizing the knowledge drum oned about the history of globular air. Answering the question about the problems that EBay has in the Asian merchandise will stomach me to discuss and apply concepts of the globular commercialise learned in module whiz in support of my answers. Lastly this equalizer will assess how EBays selling Mix assessment of the Four Ps assisted them in the world(prenominal) tradeing strategy the company choose for the As ian Markets? Why did EBay want to dramatise ball-shapedly and why did nations wanted their line of credit?The reasons EBay decided to flesh out globally were respective(a) and resulted in an overall loss for the San Diego, CA establish company headed by the designer chief operating officer at the time and atomic number 20 Gubernatorial gitdidate, Meg Whitman. Some of the decisions do and acted upon by the companys leaders were akin to the way Meg Whitman ran her political campaign. Instead of researching the culture and traditions of the places they chose to do business and working on an image of organism topical anesthetic anesthetic or at least(prenominal)(prenominal) embracing topical anaesthetic anesthetic cultures and traditions they chose to feed electric receptacles with money.In Whitmans re turn inative borrow millions of dollars from herself to move to resolve the issue of losing as a candidate. get back on subject, the countries that eBay chose to expan d globally in, were corresponding all nations ones that indispensable jobs. EBay sought the cheaper labor wages as a win-win situation for themselves or some instances the prediction of a high level of success due to their business reputation. Getting into the trade was non difficult as the new trade fell in line with what these countries wanted in reproducible to develop their economies while in tear enhancing domestic quality of life for their citizens.EBay mat up compelled to expand globally to remain hawkish as the US domestic commercialize distribute was becoming mature resulting in stagnant profits and overall growth. As all companies looking to globally expand eBay was investing in Asia to increase profits by obtaining a supreme presentation into this new mart share all the same on that point was no need to pass water a new merchandise. The majority of the countries they chose had topical anaesthetic earnings auction constancy accomplished already.EBa ys ultimate goals were to introduce their outspoken auction business exemplar at an international scale starting in places like japan, china and sulfur Korea to off advantage of these nations emerge economies in coiffure to increase wealth. initiation Decisions Through the struggles in gaining entry into these uphill commercialise place areas, EBay learned that they must accommodate as well as hug some of the new technologies and products offered by their competitors in the Asian domesticmarkets in order to be successful or at least competitive in the market.The beating they took in Asia was not justfrom Chinese and conspiracy Korean competition, but from twain US based competitors in yokel and Google. A currentdomestic hamper with hayseed against the giant Google has not resulted in any increase in positive business in theglobal market share as Yahoo is continuing to gain more shares of the market through its ventures with localcompetitors. EBay market entry decisi ons were integral to their failure in Asia.As ascertained from a case studypublished May 2008 about EBays strategy in lacquer 1, they acquiesceed the Japanese market new-fangled after Yahoo Japan had already established and failed to retain clients. It took them twain years to concede the failure of the EBay Japan and sort of of making a plug with local investors they finally folded in 2002. Ironically, in 2007 EBay made a deal with Yahoo Japan to share internet posts and products in Japan in a crossroads web site called Sekaimon 1.Their failures in Asia has last led to layoff of workers in countries like chinaware and shutting down of several sites in Asia while rerouting customers to US based sites to avow a virtual presence. In 2006 EBays South Korean venture network Auction was bested by a South Korean competitor named Gmarket whereas they equaled or eclipsed EBays profit share in South Korea that year. Gmarket also produced innovating products to the internet aucti on industry such as making obtain via internet fun and using tie beam promotions.Excerpts taken from a Moon Ilhwan internet article in Business Week2, besides explain the stiff competition EBay had in South Korea from Yahoo and the local upstart, Gmarkets business model places less fierceness on an open auction dress than eBays. The company offers goods that one can order at obdurate prices, with an option to discuss prices with a seller on an scoop shovel basis. This allows buyers to conclude deals instantly instead of requiring them to custody until all bids are completed in open auctions and another tie in marketing program is a draftsmanship called lucky auction.It deed overs buyers chances to buy eitherthing from LCD televisions to T-shirts at a fraction of the market value. A seller promoting an MP3 player, for example, invites consumers to bid for two of them in spite of appearance a given price consecrateusually less than 10% of the sell price. Then Gmarkets computer picks two bids at random to decide the winners. Others visitors can buy the MP3 player at a special offer price. The seller attracts consumers, while Gmarket happily hauls in commissions.Another bonus at Gmarket is that retailers can offer online cerebrate to their own mini homepages within the site, issue discount coupons, run pronounce fuel consumption rate points programs, and use an internal messenger benefit called G-messenger for instant chatting with sellers. Some shops listed on the site realise also drawn traffic by promising to donate 10 cents to a favored charity every time a product is exchange 2Thus far EBay has act interchangeable ventures and mergers to enter the Asian market share and has met controvert results.This has had a negative effect on their overall performance to expense dimension in their stock valuation from 2000 thru the present time but has not deterred forethought from continuing to compete for a market share in Asia. An on handout joint venture with Yahoo keeps EBay with a can in the door of the foreign market and continues the strategic alliance against Google. EBay has expanded to southeastern United States Asia to see what they can obtain in Singapore, Malaysia and through operations in the Philippines. soon they are doing promotional sites in Thailand and Vietnam to try future profits in those nations as well.EBays use of the Four Ps in their marketing miscellanea assessmentEBays use of the Four Ps in their assessment of their global market strategy was regretful in Asia when in comparison to Yahoos success. Lost on the EBay leadership was the propensity to be a let on of the local market and belowstanding cultural innovation of each(prenominal) Asian nation they wanted to establish a market. From my personal obtains going to countries such as Japan, South Korea, Guam, or the Philippines for business this is vital to earning shares of the Asian market and as a personal prospective as well.Yah oos co-fo at a lower place, Yang is a male businessman of Chinese-Taiwanese descent which had to give Yahoo an edge in Japan, China and South Korea over EBays CEO at the time Meg Whitman who was female, albumen descent and unaware culturally of how to gain the confidence of local leaders and business persons. 3The product that EBay had to offer was nothing innovational to the Asian market as there was already a local melodic line of online auctions/internet industry thriving in Japan, China and South Korea.Timing and berth of EBays business model was late and over reaching as Yahoo already was established in each of the locations chosen and early profits resulted in a false analysis of future outcomes for EBay in Asia. Promotions used on the global EBay sites had advertising geared globally instead of locally which went ignored by local customers. More emphasis toward local advertising of domestic interests could have attracted and retain their customer base.Lastly, set of th eir product which was part of the business model was somewhat unwarranted and confusing. So when an upstart company like Gmarket introduces something simple like, fixed prices and special deals the customers internet shopping experience just became more simplified to use and less time to use resulting in a more desirable overall product than EBay was offering at the time. The EBay pricing system had customers time lag out the end of a command process which still did not see to it the customer the outcome desired if they were bid.EBays managements inflexibility hindered the local managements ability to study decisions that would help them get more of the local market share and build from there in their own country and marketplace. 3 Discussion EBays ventures in expanding to a global market were incurred several conquerable challenges. As stated in the lesson the Asian market share is vital and productive for many companies. As the research envisioned one of EBays primary cha llenges was finis at several levels global and local/domestic competitors all vying for a market share of the internet auction industry.EBay attempted to manage market entry problems yearn after their original business model was viable in the neighborhood, by adapting morose or waiving fees for its services to keep up with the competition from Yahoo, Google, Chinese stall worth Internet Auction and South Korean upstart GMarket. EBay failed to incorporate some of the local technical innovations that likes of GMarket produced for its customer base such as, local advertising on the sites, fixed price so that internet shoppers could get what they were shopping for and not have to outbid others and wait for the outcome of who actually won/bought the products advertised.History was another problem for EBay, they did not study the culture and traditions of the places they chose to enter the market at. Cultural traditions and business practices are conversely different in China which op erates under quasi-governmental entities, and Japan and South Korea where they operate under version of the Free Market concept. along with not understanding Asian cultures the company did not attempt to adapt its global business model to the local market when incorporating its management and leadership philosophies to the region.This resulted in a management and leadership staff overseas that would not be capable of maturing as a team to meet the local demands of the market. Just being in the region did not give EBay the advantage they seemed it would, thusly their own inflexibility and lack of foresightedness contributed greatly to the problems they are facing in the Asian market. To EBays credit they have not thrown in the wipe and have remained in Asia through joint ventures and are actually conducting promotion in Southeast Asia (Thailand and Vietnam) as well operations in Singapore, the Philippines and other places.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ap Bio Respiration Frq

40) Describe the grammatical construction of a mammalian respiratory system. Include in your discussion the implements of inspiration and expiration. In mammals, atomic number 8 for the origin time passes through the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is cover with mucus and cicilia to filter the logical argument. The nasal cavity leads to the pharynx. The pharynx consists of the eustachian tube and the tonsils. The inhaled transport thence passes to the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. The bronchi lead to the bronchioles in the lungs. In the lungs the pleural membrane urge ons ventilation. The bronchioles end in microscopic alveoli lined by a thin, dampish epithelium.The alveoli is the primary site of splatter exchange. Branches of the pulmonary arteries steer group O poor blood to the alveoli branches of the pulmonary veins comport oxygen rich blood from the alveoli back to the sprightliness. subsisting in (the serve of inhaling) begins as the external musculus interc ostaliss and catch contract. When this happens, the lungs expand. later on this, negative stuff is used to facilitate internal cellular respiration. So, air moves from an ara of higher hale, which is the air, to an area of lower pressure in the lungs and aveoli. During inspiration the diaphragm and intercostal go acrosss contract.The diaphragm moves downwards, while the intercostal hefts make the rib batting cage move upwards. These two processes increase the leger of the thoracic cavity and also blood-reduces the air pressure to below atmospherical pressure allowing air to rush into the airways then into the alveoli. With expiration (the process of exhaling) the opposite occurs. Here, the diaphragm and intercostal muscle-builders relax. This allows the diaphragm to move upwards and the intercostal muscles let the rib cage relax to its oddmenting state. This concept is called passive recoil. subsequently passive recoil occurs, the volume within the thoracic cavity n ow decreases. This decrease in volume causes an increase in pressure above atmospheric pressure which forces air up and out the airway. In mammals, a large part part of the process of respiration is encounterled neurally through the medulla oblongata. The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, regorge and vasomotor centers and deals with autonomic, involuntary functions, such as breathing, heart pace and blood pressure. The main centers in the medula that control respiration are the inspiratory and expiratory center. 3) discuss the processes of exchange of O2 and vitamin Cic acid gas that occur at the alveoli and muscle cells of mammals. Include in your answer a commentary of the transport of these gasses in the blood. The aveoli is very important to respiration. The aveoli needs to be efficient in obtaining oxygen as the air is approximately 20% oxygen. The aveoli are small, thinly-walled, sacs of air made out of collagen and elastic fibers. It is lined by a thin, moist epithelium, which allows for easy expansion. In respiration, first the lungs are ventilated to maintain their niggardness gradient, which draws in fresh air with a higher dousing of O2.The air then fills the alveoli, which are completely skirt by many blood capillaries in enjoin to maintain a bunco diffusion length for the O2 to diffuse in, and the carbonic acid gas to diffuse out, so two bring down the concentration gradients. The blood then carries the Oxygen off, and cycles the carbon dioxide back, maintaining a strong concentration gradient, helping to raise the diffusion prises. It is by this mechanism that mammals are able to maintain respiration in all the cells of their body. The concentration discussed above is crucial to gas exchange because it allows osmosis and diffusion to pretend place.To however facilitate diffusion the surface of the aveoli is moist. Eventually, the oxygen diffuses from the capillaries into the interstitial melted to be taken up by the c ells. At the uniform time, degree centigrade dioxide diffuses from the interstitial fluid into the capillaries. The oxygen buttocks also be stored in myoglobin, which can be erect in muscles. Some CO2 will be present in plasma. This lowers the pH of blood. The levels of turn oxygen in the blood are usually 100 mm Hg in the lungs, 40 mm Hg in the muscles during rest, and 20 mm Hg in the muscles during exercise.The oxygen in the aveoli is carried by hemoglobin or in red blood cells. Hemoglobin can be found in red blood cells themselves. The transportation of hemoglobin and oxygen uses cooperation. The cooperation is allosteric. Once oxygen attaches to it, much oxygen molecules attach easily. The opposite occurs when hemoglobin looses matchless oxygen molecule. The graph of this relationship would be an s-shaped curve. But, both carbon monoxide and oxygen compete to be able to pull out to the binding site on hemoglobin. Most carbon dioxide is carried as bicarbonate ions (HCO3) .The enzyme carbonic anhydrase speeds up reactions and lets the carbon dioxide dissolve more easily. If the CO2 is not dissolved by an aqueous solution, some of it can be carried by hemoglobin. The hemoglobin carries the CO2 at a different site so it doesnt compete with the O2. When the CO2 starts out at the alveolus, it first goes to the pulmonary vein, then the left atrium, the left ventricle, the artery, the capillary, and finally the CO2 gets to the muscle cells. If the CO2 travels from the muscles cells to the alveolus, the same process occurs in reverse. 4) Many physiological changes occur during exercise. -Design a controlled try to leaven the hypothesis that an exercise session causes short term increases in the heart rate and breathing rate in humans. -Explain how at least third organ systems are affected by the change magnitude bodily activity and discuss interactions among these systems. a. An experiment to test this foremost, you would need at least 10 sight to p articipate in the experiment. The bigger the data pool, the more reliable your results will be. You would just need a stopwatch for this experiment.First, you would measure the heart rate and respiration rate of all the participants. The heart rate would be measured by feeling the pulse of the individual by touching their neck. The number of beats matte up in one minute is multiplied by 10 to obtain the heart rate. To obtain the respiration rate, simply count the amount of times the persons actors assistant cavity rises and falls during breathing. This data of the participants at rest would serve as the control. The experimental data would lessen from the participants during exercise.So, afterward all the participants would be instructed to exit along the some course for about 5 minutes. They would run at a moderate jogging speed. When the 5 minutes are up, the heart rate and breathing would be recorded the same way as before. Then, immediately after the data is recorded, the r unners would run for some other 15 minutes. The data would be recorded the same way immediately afterward. after the data is recorded, the runners would take a 30 minute rest in order to return to a homeostatic condition. After the rest, the heart rate and respiration rate would be recorded yet again.If the hypothesis is true, the heart rate and respiration rate should be higher when the participants were exercising. After the rest, the participants should be back to normal. b. Circulatory corpse First of all, the heart in creases the snap volume (SV). The stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped from one ventricle of the heart with each beat. Then, the body increases the rate of blood circulation to carry oxygen and nutrients to working muscle cells. The increased flow also carries excess CO2 out of the body. So, the cardiac output increases and the blood pressure increases as well.To cause heat loss during exercise, the capillary beds that go to the skin dilate. Respirator y System During exercise at that place is an increased gas exchange amongst CO2 and O2. This is needed so a the great unwashed more oxygen (O2) can travel to the cells and be used as energy. Also, the increased rate of respiration helps expel the extra CO2 that is produced by the muscle cells. The increased blood circulation during exercise causes the lungs to adapt by recruiting extra capillaries to carry the increased output of the heart, further increasing the quantity of blood in the lung.This style that the diffusion capacity of the lungs is also affected. Digestive System During exercise, the digestive system immediately increases the rate of glycogenolysis. During glycogenolysis there is an increased rate of digestion in the body to scandalize down the carbohydrates into glucose. Cellular respiration uses the glucose to increase the action of ATP. The digestive system also diverts blood away from splanchnic renal areas, where it is not needed much. altogether these pr ocesses help provide fuel and energy for physical activity.